Endless Documents to Sign! Help I need a Buyer’s Agent!

In California, the process of buying or selling real estate through a real estate agent involves a significant number of documents to ensure that the transaction complies with legal requirements and protects all parties involved. The exact number of documents can vary based on the specifics of the transaction, such as whether it’s a residential […]

Who is on YOUR side when you buy a home?

Did you know that every listing agent (that’s the name on the sign outside the home) has a “fiduciary duty” to the SELLER and NOT to the buyer? So, why would a buyer call the name on the sign? That’s similar to going to court as a defendant but you are only represented by the plaintiff’s attorney! […]

Waiting Can Be Very Expensive

Hey future homeowners! Let’s have a chat about two things that might be on your mind: waiting for lower interest rates and waiting for the market to change. Waiting for the “perfect” time to buy a home, like catching the market at its lowest or holding out for lower interest rates, can feel like a smart […]

Top 10 Questions Every Buyer Asks

Buying a home is a big deal, especially when you’re in the prime of your life, between 30 and 45. It’s not just about finding a place to live; it’s about finding a space where your life will unfold. So, let’s dive into the top 10 questions you might have on your mind as you start […]