Endless Documents to Sign! Help I need a Buyer’s Agent!

In California, the process of buying or selling real estate through a real estate agent involves a significant number of documents to ensure that the transaction complies with legal requirements and protects all parties involved. The exact number of documents can vary based on the specifics of the transaction, such as whether it’s a residential or commercial property, the financing details, and if there are any unique circumstances or agreements.

However, here is a general list of documents commonly involved in a typical residential real estate sale through an agent. It is highly recommended to consult an attorney and carefully select a real estate agent who is experienced and only represents your side of the transaction NOT both sides.


Listing Agreement: This is an agreement between the seller and the listing broker, detailing the terms of how the broker will sell the property.

Buyer Broker Agreement: An agreement between the prospective buyer and the buyer’s agent, outlining the agent’s duties to the buyer, the relationship between the agent and the buyer, and the compensation structure.

Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement (TDS): A mandatory disclosure by the seller about the condition and any known problems with the property.

Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement: A disclosure document that indicates if the property is within one of six predetermined natural hazard zones (e.g., flood, wildfire, earthquake fault zones).

Preliminary Title Report: Provided by a title company, this report outlines the property’s ownership history, existing liens, and any other encumbrances on the title.

Purchase Agreement: This crucial document outlines the terms of the sale, including the purchase price, financing terms, and contingencies such as inspections and appraisal.

Loan Application: If the buyer is financing the purchase, this document is submitted to a lender to apply for a mortgage.

Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure: Documents from the lender that provide details about the mortgage terms, interest rates, monthly payments, and closing costs.

Home Inspection Report: Generated by a professional inspector, this report details the condition of the home and any potential repairs needed.

Pest Inspection Report: A report that outlines the presence of any wood-destroying pests or organisms.

Appraisal Report: A report from a licensed appraiser giving an opinion on the value of the property, typically required by the lender.

Contingency Removals: Documents that the buyer submits to remove contingencies as they are satisfied (e.g., inspection, loan, appraisal).

Closing Statement: A detailed accounting of all the financial transactions and fees involved in the real estate transaction, prepared by the escrow company.

Grant Deed: The legal document that transfers ownership of the property from the seller to the buyer.

Home Warranty Policy: Optional coverage that protects the buyer from certain defects and malfunctions in the property after the sale.

Insurance Policies: Proof of homeowner’s insurance, and possibly flood or earthquake insurance, depending on the property location and lender requirements.

Remember, this list is a general guide and the actual documents required can vary. Additional documents might be needed for specific situations, such as HOA (Homeowners Association) documents for properties within an HOA, or adjustments for unique properties (like commercial real estate or vacant land).

Always consult with a professional real estate agent or attorney to ensure all necessary documents are prepared and filed correctly for your specific transaction.

iCONNCT will help hundreds of buyers get homes every year. We look forward to representing your best interests as a buyer, and we appreciate the opportunity to be of service.

Thank you for considering iCONNCT as your partner in this exciting journey. We look forward to assisting you in finding the property that suits your needs.

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